Monday, January 23, 2006

One of the best things that happened after switching jobs was that I had a chance to visit with my very oldest friend, Lawrence. We met for drinks while I was in CA on business - not exactly enough time to catch up, but we try to get together every few years and just shoot the shit. I've known him since I was 17 years old. I send him a Christmas card and a birthday card every year. He represents an important time in my life, and he loves me to pieces. He's getting married this spring to a woman that he adoringly refers to as "my girl", and he can't wait to be a dad. He is one of the finest people I know. I hope that one day down the road, I can point to a number of other people and feel as close to them. There are a few who are already there, we just don't have years of history like I do with Lawrence. It makes me feel grounded in the world, I don't know how else to describe it.

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