Friday, April 15, 2005

I'm so glad I stopped by Amber's today, because I've had a blah day and have nothing to say. I was much relieved to see Blog It Forward being passed around. Here's my part for BIF:

Go Fug Yourself. Why do I love these girls so much? Maybe because it reminds me of life in Hollywood/LA and I'm just homesick all of the time. Or, maybe it's because they take one look at Britney Spears and instinctively react the same way I do - with venom, sarcasm and (hopefully) wit.

Dooce. What can I say? I wish she lived in Boulder so we could walk our dogs and go out drinking together. Rube even looks a little like Chuck.

Gringa Diaries. I don't even know how I first visited this blog, but I've been checking in for a while now, while the Gringa tries desperately to become pregnant. About 10 days ago, she learned that she's finally there - and announced today that she's having twins. I'm not one of those women who's totally into babies or kids or anything - but when I read the Gringa's good news, I cried. I still cry every time I think about her.

There's a whole bunch of other good ones listed to the right, and a zillion more that I haven't found yet. Go read!

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