Tuesday, October 26, 2004

I'm once again in the position of more homework than I can complete in the amount of time available. Last week I made it, by the skin of my teeth. I still don't know how well I did, but dammit, at least I turned it in on time.

I'm looking forward to having some down time for the next couple of weeks - light training schedule with the squad, no house guests, no races or other travel. Would like to do some knitting, some reading, go to the movies with Joni, go up to the mountains and see what's left of the fall foliage. It's getting cold now, frost on the car the last two mornings.

As some of you know, I recently began a love affair with my new camera, a Nikon D70. I have been taking a ton of photos lately, and will eventually create an area of this site to post them. Prepare yourselves for lots of pictures of a small red dog with one eye.

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