Tuesday, December 14, 2004

tuesday is chooseday
    Would you rather be:
  1. A garbage collector OR a fry cook at a greasy spoon restaurant?

    fry cook - i would like to shout "order up" all day long

  2. The person who repairs downed power lines OR the person who cleans the shark tanks (while they're still in it) at aquariums?

    clean the shark tanks - i've met those power guys, that's not a fun job

  3. The person who does makeup on dead people for open casket services OR the person who who has to scoop the ashes of a dead person into an urn?

    makeup on a dead person. i think you just get used to it.

  4. A beat cop in new york OR a navy SEAL on a covert mission?

    beat cop. it's not all bad out there.

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